I remember one day asking my father,"Dad, do you think I'm weird?"
"Of course not, Son! You're completely normal." He told me in earnest.
I was devastated.
After all, the kids at school thought I was. I had worked hard for that reputation; wearing eyeball rings, eyeball necklaces, a t-shirt with iron on googly eyes, sunglasses with holographic eyeballs, and being the class clown.
I was trying to find my niche in this world and I thought being weird was it.
Me participating in Drug Awareness Day.
This was also about the point where I became interested in computers. I found it fascinating to enter my parents' computer registry and tinker/deleted registry keys. They weren't so fascinated with the software damage. It was equally as fun to hack into my Jr. high PCs and change settings around to the frustration of the teachers.
Then came high school, a time of trial for everyone. The more obvious brand of weird wouldn't work here, that much I knew. And the last thing a kid wants is to be made fun of so I said goodbye to my eyeball jewelry, and hello to blue hair, Magic the Gathering cards and an anime club.
I'm starting to realize why my mom put me in karate classes right before high school.
It was at this point when I became an adept PC user. This time I used my powers for good and worked on creative techy projects at an ROP class for computer service and repair. Yes, I still deleted registry keys but it was under supervision.