Here I’ll be posting all sorts of things; adventures with my two month old son, adventures in the country, adventures on the job as a postman and many other things I hope you find interesting.
I’m sure you’re wondering, “Just how nerdy were you?” and “How did you go from geek to outdoorsman?”
Well, I was so nerdy that the only club I joined in high school was the anime club, which was devoted to watching Japanese cartoons. I was so nerdy that I carried stacks of Magic the Gathering cards in my backpack so I could duel my friends at lunch. I was so nerdy that my favorite class was computer service and repair, and I programmed my own computer game and I enjoyed Dungeons & Dragons. I was on the fast track to wearing bifocals and pocket protectors. Then something amazing happened. I got a girlfriend.
Erin and I have been together for nine years and married for five of them. It was she who opened my eyes to the other part of myself. She helped me realize that my many years in the Boy Scouts has had a significant impact. Heck, if I were asked what I’d rather do, camp or play video games, my knee-jerk reaction would be camping. Slowly I became more confident in the outdoorsman half of myself which blossomed into wanting my own property complete with animals. As if feeling complete wasn’t enough to tell me that Erin and I belonged together, then came a dream proving that she and I had a connection unlike any other…
It happened one night in my Jr. year of high school. I was somewhere between sleep and consciousness when I found myself in a dark room with the only light seeming to come from me and my bed. I began to concentrate on Erin, to try and communicate with her, and there she was standing next to me. She smiled pleasantly as I tried to talk. Nothing I said made any sense, it all sounded like mumbled and slurred speech. Then I lost concentration and woke up. The next day came and I immediately found Erin at school.
“Did you have any dreams last night?” I asked.
“Yeah, a weird one. I dreamt I was on a cruise ship when out of nowhere your head appeared, floating in midair, and began to talk nonsense to me.”
Chills swept over me. So I researched what happened and it’s called, “dream walking”. It only happened once but it was enough.
I know it seems like I regret my nerdy past, but I don’t. I made great friends and fond memories. Well, there is one thing I regret; the amount of time I spent playing video games. But that’s a subject for another post.
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