Revered as one of the best state fairs, the California State Fair has done it again. There’s no shortage of things to do and most of the time Erin and I end up going twice.
Though not all of us are eager to stay.
This year the state fair featured the début of “Days of the Dinosaur”, a collection of 12 life-sized robotic dinosaurs. The show is touring America and CA was first on the list. Naturally, we had to see it. So we waited in line for almost 45 minutes. Once inside, I’ll have to admit, we were a little disappointed. The robotic dinosaurs in “Jurassic Park”, made 17 years ago, were significantly better. The informational tablets for each dino were very interesting though, For example, Velociraptors were actually covered in feathers!
For adults, I don’t recommend seeing it. But if you have children, it’s a definite stop. I know I would have loved it as a young boy. I’ll give it this, seeing an actual size T-Rex no more than five feet away was intimidating.
And then there’s FAIR FOOD! The garlic fries were amazing.
No babies were harmed in the eating of this food.

One of the fair’s most notorious traditions is to serve mind-boggling foods. From deep fried Twinkies to chocolate covered bacon to alligator on a stick and more. The alligator was very tasty, albeit heavily seasoned. It sort of tasted like chicken but chewier and it made my teeth squeak a little. The chocolate covered bacon would truly be treasured by Elvis. It’s not as bad as you might think, though my wife would beg to differ. I enjoyed it though and ate all five chocolatey strips. They weren’t exactly filling though so I washed them down with a super corndog over a foot long. Yum!
Deep fried…ALL of it.
Aidan was a sport throughout the experience and
he found himself exhausted by the end of it.

I am sure you don't know this, but your first photo of the State Fair Bear is Kristi's cousin Katie.