Or is it just the beginning?
When one nail falls, doth another regrow in it's stead? Huzzah, I say unto ye exposed nailbed! Grow anew, for the healing process has begun!
Have ye ample fortitude, photos have been provided below. Not for the faint of heart.
Pic of exposed nailbed relieved of it's protection.
Pic of the doc checking for foreign objects.
Holey moley, the doc found nail shrapnel!
The podiatrist was excellent, and had a great sense of humor. Here he is fooling around with my toenail.
That being done, the visit came to a total of $150. Not terrible considering that work does not provide health insurance. Was it worth it? A resounding "YES!" is in order. Had I avoided the procedure, and followed the internet's advice on just waiting for the nail to fall off, those three pieces of nail shrapnel would have caused untold pain and complications.
God, I'd like to thank you for the invention of anesthetic.
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